I had A good time making this and I hope you enjoyed it.
Shout out to @The void wire for making the track art and @Injustice night Terroizer for making a TN of this MU.
I had A good time making this and I hope you enjoyed it.
Shout out to @The void wire for making the track art and @Injustice night Terroizer for making a TN of this MU.
J vs Blitzo is now in development. Going to be completed some time next year.
I'll Have Three Nickels
Which wouldn't be alot but a surprise it happened thrice
29 Votes in Poll
My Internet Battle is at the mid-point of the fight, with 5 combatants dead and 5 still alive. I will add the next death later today, and I hope to finish it by Tuesday.
The analyzations for my Internet Series Battle Royale (Inspired by @RandomDudeWhoDoesStuff) have been completed. Each day I will now update the battle to add up to two deaths until it is complete!
And no, this was not planned to be finished around the same time Random's second royale was starting to go under development, that's all just a coincidence. I'm also not stealing their idea, ok just a bit, but I do think mine is different enough to warrant its existence. If Random doesn't want me to make a 2nd one, I'll be sure to cancel that future project without hesitation.
Please check on my battle to see who will die each day, and don't forget to check out Random's original battle, which is linked on my battle's page.
29 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
28 Votes in Poll
Angel dust vs Hammerhead (hazbin hotel vs marvel)
Battle ost: A Web of crime
Megamind vs Nimona (dreamworks vs netflix)
Battle ost: Zero to hero
T-800 vs Robo fizz ( terminator vs helluva boss)
Battle ost: robotic comdey
Moxxie vs morty (helluva boss vs rick and morty)
battle ost: spineless possum
Leartherface vs Micaehl myers
battle ost: the FACE of a killer
Blitzo vs Byce tankthrust ( helluva boss vs brandon rogers)
Battle ost: helluva ceo
Naughty bear vs Flippy ( Naughty bear vs happy tree friends)
Battle ost: Bear-ly innocent (thanks to @Thevoidmansavatar for the idea)
Cherri bomb vs Harley quinn (hazbin hotel vs DC)
battle ost: idk
Gertude vs Tanya von degurechaff (i hate fairyland vs youjo senki)
battle ost: a whole new world
Though who are you rooting or betting on?
Tyrus and Olura were products of an electricity based experiment, called the Carno, which turned out to be highly successful. The duo were bred into experimentation from their Mother who was no one of importance before we first set foot on Diera. Having two experiments for the price of one, we took the children, experimented on them[giving their needle-like teeth, long and large mouth, blob-like tongue and powers(seen later)]and brainwashed them. They believe the world was turned against them from the beginning, that the people within their region were disgusted by their fear inducing indifferences. The natives of their region shunned the family that birthed and cared for them and left the family in an area where there was little to no resources to survive off of. They made plans to throw away the duo, believing it would save them from a curse that would bring them pain and death, it was said their mother was about to drop them off a cliff but was intercepted by us. Ever since, their loyalty was to only us.
SSD-456 or her chosen name, Olura, has been known as the savage mindless murderer of the two. Her abilities are super speed(capable of going 27,000 mph), inhuman strength, regeneration and minor self body manipulation(Normally uses it to make claws out of her hands). She has mostly been used, along with her brother, to disperse protest crowds and small revolts and does so with all due enjoyment and savagery. She has used weaponry before though it only made things easier for her, which “only made things boring” she said. This weapon was a pole-like construct, which she could turn to two smaller poles and make the pole(s) gain two spikes on the end. Some of her feats were her being able to run on water, catch several moving vehicles of Runaway intent and, as a training exercise, take down a tank with her bare hands.
SSD-949, Tyrus, is different from his sister to state the least. Whereas his sister is stuck with internal electrical manipulation, Tyrus is capable of using it in a more external manner. Tyrus is capable of bending his bioelectricity, in which he can use to fly at speeds that of lightning, similar to his sister. He also has perfect control over his cells capable of healing in seconds, hardening his cells to make him near invincible(capable of being thrown into several buildings without much damage) and causing him to be capable of any kind of mutation he wants. This is through a shared element in the two called Carno Energy, a parasite-like form of electricity which causes one to absorb, redirect and control electricity, doing the equivalent of enslaving it. Because of this, he can release lightning bolts from the tips of his fingertips or his eyes, for unexpected attacks or “just for fun”, use his electricity to hack into computer systems or make clones of himself from drops of blood, though they tend to be less powerful(only capable of flight) and used as distractions rather then allies or tools in a fight. But SSD-949’s more horrific abilities come from the instance of when he touches any material capable of conducting electricity, including flesh. This causes him to infect these elements and subject to being bent to his will. What he is capable of doing to metal is where among his less grizzly abilities. He can bend it to be bullets, spikes, etc but is incapable of bending it to be a different element. But for flesh he has complete dominion over the person’s body and mind. He can lobotomize, mind control or violently affect a person’s emotions but what he is best known for is ability to mutate his victims. Though these powers can be used for the betterment of people like bringing them back from the dead (he has done so to his sister on several occasions), he tends to do it in order to indulge in their torment, causing them to become little more than writhing mountains of flesh, muscle, bone and teeth. Finally, likely his most potent ability, is his ability to fake death through his Carno Energy. If his body is destroyed beyond repair, his consciousness can survive through the Carno Energy and possess and mutate any person he wants. It should also be of note that the Carno Energy seems to act as it’s own entity, immune to any and all mental attacks. He has been devious with the ways he torments the people of Diera and he seems to enjoy thinking of new ways to cause pain to the people of Diera.
Though SSD-949 and SSD-456 are both powerful in their own rite, they share a weakness that is embedded into the electricity based power sources. Though they both have their own kind of immunity to weapons that use elements that do conduct electricity, this is not the case for elements that do not conduct electricity.