Hi everyone, this thread’s purpose is to allow users to submit deletion requests for any pages, images, blogs, discussion threads or polls they want removed from the wiki without having to contact individual members of staff about them. To be clear, if users still wish to make deletion requests to individual members of staff they can do so, however this thread should be a more efficient way of getting your requests seen to.
Don’t derail the thread/go off topic.
Please only request for your own content to be deleted (requests to delete other user’s content will likely be rejected)
If you wish to have a collab battle deleted and your collab partner is still active (i,e. has contributed to the wiki in the last 6 months), you must submit screenshot evidence of your collab partner consenting to the page being deleted. Otherwise your request will be ignored. If your collab partner is inactive (i.e. they haven’t contributed to the wiki in over 6 months) then you do not need to submit any screenshot evidence.
If you have any concerns about wiki content violating the wiki’s Rules and Guidelines or Blacklist please post them on the Rule Violation Report, not here.
A link to this thread can be found in the wiki’s navigation bar under the “Rules and Guidelines” heading.
Big out.