30 Votes in Poll
Core Theme
Reality-Bending Harbingers of the Apocalypse that come from beyond our Dimensional-Plane to cause Total-Armageddon on a Universal Scale. After nearly completing their end-all goal, they were stopped via the process of Memory-Loss/Gain.
One of them being a Creator of Dreams while the other is an Invader and Destroyer of Dreams.
Malevolent Size-Changing Reality-Bending “End-Of-The-World” Harbingers of the Apocalypse, who come from another Dimensional-Plane and begin Total-Armageddon and the Apocalypse as a whole.
At the start of their respective series’, their worlds were unsure of the Paranormal’s existence but a Small Shack/Workshop would capitalize on it, finding/building technology that would come back much later-on at the very end to defeat the Two.
By the end of their Series’, a Robot based on previous subjects from the show was constructed to fight other creatures that spawned as a result of Them coming into the World— and hold them back temporarily as the group tried to figure how to put an end to them.
Due to the Robots not being enough to be able to take them down, the Main Characters got the help of a brilliant scientist [From Decades prior] who originally figured out how to put an end to them and their World-Ending Event. Specifically with the help of a small technological device [which was discovered/created from earlier on in the Series], with a fundamental part of it; relating to Memory-Loss/Gain.
Something strange surrounding their Deaths, is that they should have known every event that was about to happen and their inevitable fates with their infinite kaleidoscopes into the future— yet was not able to stop it happening. With one being due to their Ego and recklessness, and the other due to the fundamental idea of not being able to change the Future.
On the Meta side of the Characters, both have been extremely mischaracterized and treated like a joke by their fanbases for years— despite how different their true natures really are. Bill, having used to be completely “Quirky, Silly” 4th-Wall-Breaking Reality Warper guy and Godzilla Ultima was most notably portrayed by a Series of Web-Comics which made him out to be a Comically-Short Crybaby.
However these caricatures of the two have since died down and are now at-least somewhat getting the respect they deserve.
As a final, smaller, connection Both are the very last thing we see in their Intro-Sequences. With a vague shot of them flashes for a split-second but still long enough for us to see who the main antagonist is.
Animation Potential
The Main Basis of its AP is the concept of a Bill invading a world in-which Ultima had sent an Avatar down into, with The Catastrophe about to occur. Leading Bill beginning Weirdmaggeddon and the two Apocalypses begin to collide with the other.
Have Ultima largely ignore Bill at the start, with Bill snapping his fingers and rip buildings out of the ground via levitation and send them crashing into him— with Ultima countering by using Blood-Tendrils to break out and then rewrite the timeline to make it so that can’t happen again. Something like eviscerating every building within the Area/Making it so that no buildings even existed within the time-stream.
You could even use the fact that Ultima canonically has an ability that hurts Triangles in-particular, just by existing near them. That is a canon thing that The Avatar is explicitly said to do, quote:”Near Godzilla, The Angle Sum of a Triangle is less than 180”.
It could have the respective Armageddons’ Monsters/Kaijus battling it out, with it showing the stark differences in tone, like Weirdmaggeddon’s Nightmare-Entities being far more chaotic and unpredictable while The Catastrophe’s Kaiju showing their more complex yet grounded powers— while also growing in strength as the battle goes on due to surrounding Red Dust.
Ultima could swing its [infamously long] Tail at Bill— only for him to stop it in the air and turn it into a SHMA Balljointed-Tail and rips it out. Only for Ultima to deny that; that happened and have hit be reset back and the tail would be replaced with a Mathematical Formula equaling to the densest material possible— crushing Bill.
Potentially flowing to Bill breaking out of it and turning the World [figuratively] upside down while The Catastrophe occurs. Leading to the cosmic second act of the Matchup. With the SP Kaiju/Weirdmaggeddon Army Battle being switched with Godzilla Avatars & Bill Clones.
With how expansive and large of a franchise Godzilla is, a Reality-Bending could have hundreds of possibilities based on that concept alone.
Have the Charles Barkley Godzilla Avatar start soloing a team of Bills in Basketball, have the Pancake-Godzilla be in a cooking show with a Bill Clone who is trying to make the dish disgusting and filled with Mothra-Larva eyes or something, have a Live-Action segment where a fan in a replica Godzilla Suit gets in a fistfight with a Human-Bill Cosplayer. I can list way more examples too.
A personal favourite idea of mine that can be used as a recurring Godzilla Avatars during this section, is Showa Godzilla & GodzillalandGoji. Specifically because **they can talk.** These two Avatars, while not the only ones— they are major examples of why THIS MATCHUP DOES HAVE DIALOGUE POTENTIAL. Essentially, multiple Godzilla Incarnations can & have talked before. Which is why from this large part of the AP [and a potential ending, which I will explain later on] has Dialogue Potential and can mesh with Bill amazingly.
There’s so many options that really bring in with the somewhat “goofy/silly” characteristics of Bill. Yet, this concept can also have less “jokey” undertones with Ultima & the Godzilla Franchise as a whole. Like, imagine hundreds of Bill Clones swarming a Shin Godzilla-type Avatar— but instead fusing/merging with it. Becoming a sort-of unholy design, made from thousands of eyes and ever-flinching limbs, that you can just feel how agonising of an existence being that “thing” is; only for the real Bill to snap his fingers and mutate it into just another object to fight with Or even have an Avatar like Final Wars or MV Godzilla just absolutely tearing through every single thing a barrage of Bill Clones throw at it. Ripping and Blazing through each of them, as they try to attack it from every single angle with every single possible thing in their arsenal. Something similar to the somewhat iconic Art of it; made by CarbonatedJem back in 2022.
This portion of the fight could end with Ultima just spawning more & more Avatars, until Bill stops having fun and begins getting pissed off. Gravitationally pulling every other Bill back into him, and unleashes an shockwave that completely vaporizes almost every Godzilla with extreme detail— akin to the more graphic scenes in Gravity Falls. Like seeing Heisei Godzilla’s face melting away, similarly to the Super7 Burning Godzilla Figure, as well as some cooler details like its Skeletal/Muscular System with the “Butt-Brain”. You could have A Shin Godzilla trying to evolve and mutate to resist the blast but eventually succumb. Even throw in some funnier concepts like having a Showa Godzilla getting eviscerated with a Human Skull Silhouette as if there was a Suit Actor in there, or maybe one of the Cartoon Godzillas like Godziban or Godzillaland having their animation layers be burned into simples Sketch-Cels.
Just that one idea for a way to progress the fight into its 3rd Act has so much potential with these characters and franchises.
After that, it could have the main Godzilla Ultima Avatar start powering through it with Bill then redirecting his power into a concentrated finger-gun. Eventually leading into tide-turning Beam-Clash with Ultima’s Acausality Space-Time Beam overpowering him to the point of near-death. Bill, the, could push through it while constructs of every other Avatars rise from the Beam; trying to stop him from reaching The Avatar one final time. Leading to an Ending where Bill reaches into The Avatar’s mind while grabbing one of the Avatar-Constructs' hands to force a deal through.
Inside the mind of the Avatar, Bill instead would find that The Avatar was actually connected to a Hivemind of trillions of other realities. Revealing The Avatar that Bill’s been struggling against all this time, was a mere projection of Ultima’s True Form. That Bill has actually been inside its mind, inside just a simple dream of its, the whole time.
Once Bill truly stares down the grandiose of Ultima, it looms infinitely beyond all that is him. The Death being; Ultima’s True Form leaving Bill with a monologue that completely shuts him down with his pure egotism & arrogance from throughout the battle. This could even have added impact with the buildup of Ultima not talking at all from the earlier/grounded portions of the fight, to various non-Ultima Avatars talking throughout the fight, to Ultima itself ending the fight with a speech.
Bill could then try to escape his fate once again, calling out to The Axolotl, only for Ultima to either destroy it in-front of Bill [to truly signify the Power Difference] or potentially reveal The Axolotl was in an Avatar of Ultima as-well to really shatter anything Bill thought he knew this whole time.
While this fight very solidly works with Ultima being the Victor, (Which he is, it's a very clear cut stomp regardless of your interpretation of what Ultima truly is. I will come back to this later on the Debatability section) You can still have the dynamic work with a fight that gives Bill the win.
Such as Bill seeing Ultima’s True Form as it’s giving it’s monologue, but Bill instead pushes through it. Denying his Fate, a concept that Singular Point touches on and leads to The Avatar’s “Death” in the show, and extends his arm’s length by thousands of metres into Ultima’s True Form and beyond the dimensional axis which The True Form views him. Much like how Bill escaped his 2nd Dimension. Shattering it’s mind, and the whole world as he knows it. With that, even after destroying his initial home, he somehow made himself; more alone.
For more of a general idea of a Potential Animation, it could utilise a Mixed-Medium Format; similar to how Singular Point was animated. With Bill being Sprite/Hand-Drawn Animated, while Ultima being primarily 3D Animated while also having a myriad of potential other mediums being able to be used.
Debate Potential
As I alluded to in the previous section, this Matchup isn’t really debatable. However, this actually benefits the dynamic immensely– but also without being a Spite Matchup.
Ultima’s Avatar alone beats Bill in my opinion, with its Hax such as Resistance to Fate Manipulation and style of Reality Warping; directly countering Bill himself. I need to reiterate, The Avatar literally has Anti-Triangle Hax.
Even if you don’t think The Avatar could necessarily beat Bill, its True Form definitely does. At minimum, the lowest you can get for it is High Hyperversal, me personally I believe his lowest really should be Low Outerversal and Countless Dimensional. Either way, Bill just has nothing on that level. But that doesn’t harm this Matchup, it really puts into place their characters and how they’re compared to each other. Bill is an easily-frustrated arrogant egotist who uses his power, purely for to please his own corrupted fantasies, while Ultima is an ever-present deity who seeks nothing but the absolute destruction of his own creation. It views all that is beneath it to be a mistake, a blunder which all evidence of; must be erased. Which perfectly lines up with the point of Ultima being the creator & destructor of the world, via them being its own dreams, and Bill simply invading and using Dream Worlds for his own gain.
I’ll eat a blue Dorito
Viber,this is
I love this MU so much
Me when peak is too peak
This matchup is growing on me. It’s not my favorite for Bill, but it’s up there
What do you think?