I shall get the Bingos!
I shall get the Bingos!
Yeah,I just looked him up. That MU has the potential to be just as 🥱 Doctor Doom vs Lex Luthor. Only reason I wouldn't want Spidey vs Ladybug is bc they'll probably lowball Peter and make Marienette win when she gets folded like a piece of paper.
I believe Ladybug wins but I shall not leak my seasonings
Anyways the Spiderways is mid and would only be slightly better with Ultimate Spider-Man
Spidey's City level and is easily FTL,arguably faster and has precog Marinette can't bypass with his Spider-Sense,along with more battle expierence and skill,and is generally smarter,and could reach Solar System level with his armors (if given)
While Ladybug's Large Town level at best and only matches Peter's speed,with only really having a versatility if you give her every Miraculous. Pretty sure she gets godstomped.
Why are you arguing for Spider-Man winning that wasn’t to point of my reply
You just said Ladybug wins without explaining why she wins.
And I said I’m not explaining it because I buy different things for both characters
That reply wasn’t to spark a debate, it was there to talk about how Ultimate Spidey vs Sideways is slightly better than regular Spidey
The other thing was added on there just cuz
So you think she wins but you won't say why she wins? Gotcha 👍
Yeah since I don’t feel like debating an MU that I only like because it brings back Spider-Man
What do you think?