While working on my version of Rabbid vs Minion, I remember an old comic I used to work on call "Carl the Dumb". It was based on Carl from Minion Rush. Carl wasn't really dumb, he was just a huge butt monkey. Back then, I thought it was funny, but now... I feel bad.
If you want to see it, well, I'm typing this on a chromebook, and it was made from pencil, so I'll just tell you about it.
Episode 1: Carl is driving a car-like thing right off a ledge in the lab (he wasn't looking where he was going). He manages to get to safety while the car-thing gets destroyed. Gru comes in, mad at Carl, and stomps on Carl's hands, causing him to fall. The End.
Note 1: I got Gru in an out of character moment. He attempts to kill one of his minions for destroying something he probullay has a million of. And that's just tip of the ice-berg.
Phil's Break 1: Phil and some other minion (I think Dave) go see a movie. The other minion wants to see the movie, and Phil angrily says that they are.
PB Note 1: The movie was called "Masher", after mashed potatoes. Somehow, I feel wrong about thinking of a movie title called Masher.
Episode 2 (Mr. Matter): Carl goes on a date with the Mom Minion. As he finishes fixing his bowtie, he crashes into a waiter (who I think is Kevin). The waiter gets mad and beats up Carl. The Mom Minion then slams her purse into Carl. The date is a failure. The End.
Note 2: Okay, now that's just cruel. Throw a dog a bone, yank the bone away, and kick it in the stomach. What was I thinking.
Phil's Break 2: Phil dresses up as a vampire. He scares Carl away. Phil love Halloween.
PB Note 2: This has to be the NICEST punishment for Carl. When Phil scares Carl, he looks like Jerry. This was also the last Phil's Break I made.
Episode 3 (Water Failer): Carl slides down a water slide where a sign (that only says V cause the sign was too small, I don't know how to spell, and I was lazy) points to a volcano. Carl lands in the volcano and flies out of it, with his butt on fire. The End.
Note 3: I am lazy and I have nothing else to say here.
Episode 4 (Bill Punch Part 1): Carl sulks that his life sucks (no thanks to me), when he looks at the TV and sees Bill Cipher on it saying peek-a-boo. Then a portal opens up and comes out of it is Whisper from Yo-Kai. Carl and Whisper go outside, where they meet Bill and his minions, bodyless Abrasive SBs. Bill tells his minions to get the newly formed duo. To be continued...
Note 4: ...Well that's just random bullsh*t (then again I am a part of Let's write a story). Well Carl does have the right idea to sulk that life hates him.
Episode 5 (Bill Punch Part 2): Just the minions charge at Carl and Whisper, Bubbles comes in and effortlessly defeats them. Whisper is surprised, while Carl falls in love, with a cupid that looks like Greg shoots a love arrow on him (e-o). Bubbles grabs both of them and flies to Bill's place. Bubbles tells Whisper that she thinks Carl loves, with Whisper saying: "Yes. Yes he is." To be continued...
Episode 6 (Bill Punch Part 3): The trio gets to Bill's place, with Bill annoyed. Carl points to a clock-like thing above Bill and asks what it is, with Bill answering the Orb of Return. Suddenly a Bad Piggy hand-cuffs both Whisper and Bubbles. As Bill is telling them about his plan (I think. I only made him say "Blah Blah"), Carl sees a button and presses it. Out comes a small wrecking ball, destroying the orb and banishing Bill to God knows where. Bubbles (somehow not hand-cuffed anymore) tells the others that they need to get out of here. To be continued...
Note 6: When you see the actual comic, it is very short, like 11 panels. I will try to incorporate the Orb of Return into Pikachu7's or Michael the Cat's arsenal (or both).
Episode 7 (Bill Punch Part 4): The trio (well it just shows Carl) escapes the place, and a crowd of minions (the ones that look like Carl) are there to meet them. Bill swears revenge. The crowd cheers for the heroes. 88 years laters, cut to a rotten pineapple, where an old sponge the story to a younger sponge, who doesn't give a crap, as he is playing video games. The old sponge says "Kids these days" and sleeps.
Note 7: The ending was based off the ending The Great Patty Caper. While the arc was weak, like very weak, it had a good ending where Carl gets cheering instead of yelling.